Computers are essential in today’s digital world, and knowing the right shortcuts can save you time and effort. Here are the top 10 computer shortcuts that everyone should know:
Copy selected text, file, or folder.
Paste the copied content wherever needed.
Remove selected text or file and move it to the clipboard.
Reverse the last action performed.
Redo the action you just undid.
Quickly save your document or work progress.
Open the print dialog to print the current document.
Select all text, files, or items in a window.
Easily switch between open applications or windows.
Minimize all open windows to view the desktop instantly.
✨ Bonus Shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + T → Reopen Last Closed Tab in a browser.
Mastering these shortcuts will make your work faster and more efficient! 🚀
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Certificate in Microsoft PowerPoint
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Certificate in Hindi Typing
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Certificate in English Typing
Certificate in Desktop Publishing (DTP)
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