The increasing use of information technology in our life has resulted in a new and improved way of thinking, living, and working. Previously, computers were used mostly by scientists and engineers for complex calculations and operations and they were very costly. Nowadays, a computer is very affordable and within the reach of most people. It has virtually turned out to be a necessity in banks, hospitals, railways, shopping complexes, schools, colleges, homes, etc. In fact, it would be appropriate to say that life without a computer is hard to imagine.


The word “computer” is derived from ‘compute’, which means “to calculate.” A computer is an electronic device that can perform a variety of tasks by executing a given set of instructions. It is versatile and can handle multiple tasks, like documentation, accounting, budgeting, designing, entertaining, imparting education, airlines, railways and other bookings, weather forecasting among many other tasks. The acronym for COMPUTER is Common Oriented Machine Particularly Used for Trade Education Research.


A computer is capable of performing highly complex tasks, which humans are not able to perform efficiently. Let us discuss its strengths and limitations:


  1. SPEED: A computer works at an amazing speed without making any mistakes. A normal person would complete a specific task in a few hours, whereas the same task is finished by a computer within a fraction of a second. Calculations can be done in microseconds (i.e., a millionth of a second). The speed of a computer is measured in milliseconds (10-3 seconds), or nanoseconds (10-9 seconds).
  2. ACCURACY: In addition to speed, a computer performs its task with great accuracy. It hardly commits mistakes in the processing of data. Errors generally occur when the input is inaccurate or the hardware is not functioning properly.
  3. RELIABILITY: A computer is more reliable than a human being as it never gets tired and bored of repetitive tasks. It can operate for long hours without resting with its accuracy intact.
  4. STORAGE CAPACITY: A computer can store a large amount of data in its memory, in the form of documents, graphics, sounds, etc. This data can be retrieved whenever required. On the other hand, a human being can retain only relevant information in his memory and tends to forget the rest.
  5. VERSATILITY: A computer can perform various types of jobs. For instance, one can enjoy listening to music while typing in MS Word. While working on any package, we can play games, do calculations, make animations, surf the net, send e-mails, etc.
  6. REDUCTION IN MANPOWER: Computers have helped entrepreneurs to become more efficient. As a result, fewer people are required to do the same job. We can also see these banks, industries and in almost all government and private sector offices.
  7. REDUCTION IN PAPER WORK: With the use of computers, a large amount of paper wastage can be prevented in any organization. A computer stores data in the form of records that helps in reducing a lot of paper work. For example, records of students in a school can be stored on a computer rather than keeping manual files for each individual.

Moreover, information about any student can be obtained easily and quickly with the help of a computer.


  1. LIMITED ABILITY TO THINK: Although with the advent of AI (Artificial Intelligence), computers now have the ability to make decisions to some extent on their own. Compared to human intelligence, computers still have a long way to go. As far as the scope of AI is connected, it is not yet debatable and limited. Computers still cannot fully think and decide like humans do.
  2. DEPENDENCE ON POWER: A computer is an electronic machine and thus its dependence on power makes it costly


The invention of computers has led to the advancement in science and technology. Life has become more efficient the use of computers in our day life. Earlier, it was mainly used by large organizations for scientific research and engineering applications. But today, computers are used in almost every field of our life. The major areas of computer applications are as follows:

  1. MILITARY: Computers play a vital role in the design and development of high-tech weapons for defense where absolute accuracy is essential. The whole world saw the extensive use of computers in defense during the Gulf and Afghanistan and the Iraq war. Computerized simulation exercises are very helpful in training the pilots. Computers help in fighting terror and terrorists and their hideouts can be located anywhere in the world with high accuracy. Computer technology enables governments around the world to successfully execute their plans through effective planning. The world saw how America located Osama Bin laden with the help of computers.

2. BANKS: As a result of computerization and networking of a large number of blanks, several facilities are being offered to customers. Using online banking, you can check your real-time balance and all the details of past transactions. Money can easily be transferred to any account across the globe. Internet banking also allows you to use an ATM or debit card to shop, buy tickets, pay bills for utility services, like electricity, telephone, and post paid mobiles. You can even subscribe to free monthly bank account statements and apply online to open fixed deposits. The facility of subscribing to mobile banking enables you to virtually carry the bank with you.

3.REASEARCH: Computer facilities research works in a very effective way by performing complex computations, which sometimes seem impossible for humans. Some of them are listed below:

⇒ The computations required for launching a new satellite into space.

⇒ Earthquake and tsunami warnings are possible with the aid of computers.

⇒ Weather forecasting is done with the help of computers.

⇒ Impact of nuclear tests can be studied using computers.

4. EDUCATION: Computer aided learning and teaching is slowly revolutionizing our education system. The multimedia rich computerized animations and videos help students to understand the concepts in a very simple and effective manner. Virtual classrooms are a reality nowadays. This technology uses video conferencing and online modules of study material for learning. With the advent of e-learning, students can study according to their schedule. Now it has become possible to conduct online entrance exams at national and international level with the help of computers. The results of various education boards as well as entrance exams are available online. Students can find information about various colleges through the internet and can apply online for the desired courses.

5. MEDIA AND COMMUNICATION: Computers have played a major role in revolutionizing the communication system. Since the advent of telephone and T.V., which were perceived as incredible things, we have come a long way to enjoy products and facilities, like mobile phones, Internet, e-mail, SMS, chatting, cable TV, video conferencing, etc. Music can be composed by using MIDI (Musical Instruments Digital Interface), which allows editing and controlling of sound. A variety of musical formats can be played as well as recorded by using computers. Many video editing softwares with rich functionality are also available.

6. CRIMINAL IDENTIFIACTION AND LAW ENFORCEMENT: Computers can create matching photographs of criminals by using descriptions. Face matching and recognition software is also available. This helps C.B.I. (Central Bureau of Investigation) staff to identify the criminals. Police used DNA finger techniques to identify the accused with the help of skin, hair and blood samples collected from the site of the crime. traffic lights to monitor people for legal violations. The police also use computers to track the information of stolen automobiles and mobile phones in order to catch the criminals in less time.

7. EDUTAINMENT: At home, the computer is being used for education as well as entertainment. With a computer, the members of a family can have easy access to games, music, movies, e-mails, chatting, and even do research for their projects and assignments. People can also watch television on their computers.

8. BUSINESS: Computers have greatly helped in the improvement of business activities throughout the world. Organizations can easily have access to the latest technology and manpower across the world. E-commerce has completely changed the Scenario of online shopping. Global business relations can now be maintained through the Internet. Computers are used in offices for maintaining sales and marketing records, stock control, planning production, tax records, and preparing employee payroll, etc.

9. ANIMATIONS AND FILMS: In the field of entertainment, computers are used for making animations and cartoon films, producing special musical effects, and bringing fantasy to life in movies. Cartoon characters, like Walt Disney’s Mickey and Donald, Tom and Jerry, etc. are given animation effects through computers. Movies like Jurassic Park, Godzilla, Avatar, Happy Feet, Robot, Koi Mil Gaya, and Kung fu Panda have used the latest computer animation techniques for creating special effects.


10.COMMERCIAL USE: Advance reservation of rooms in hotels and booking of cinema tickets in now possible from anywhere with Internet powered E-commerce. The billing system in theatres, shopping malls, and hotels has become possible through computers.

11. SPORTS: Computers are also used in the field of sports. The sports equipment used by athletes is first tested on computers. There is a large number of computerized training equipment, which have inbuilt programs to train the sports person. Recording speed of players, action replays, and printing and selling of tickets are some of the sports related activities which are also done with the help of computers

12. MEDICAL SCIENCES: Computers help in the diagnosis of diseases and in the management and control of various tests like X-rays, CT scans, ECG and ultrasound scans. Computerized equipment is helpful in maintaining patients’ medical records and are also during surgeries. Computers are also used in medical and pharmaceutical analysis and research. Advanced treatments of many diseases also require the help of computers.

13. GOVERNMENT SECTOR: Computers are used for official correspondence, budgeting, accounts, reporting, payroll, attendance, uploading of various schemes, forms, etc. Sectors like the census bureau, income tax, airlines, and railways, electricity boards, or telephone exchanges have benefitted greatly from the computer technology.

14. LIBRARY AND MUSEUM: Libraries are computers to manage the lending, cataloging and inventory/stock of books, magazines, encyclopedias, CD/DVDs and newspapers. Computers maintain subject-wise listings of books. Indexing and searching of books is very fast and easy. A very large number of people no longer buy effectively used in museums to provide information and play the recorded commentary on many artifacts and topics.

15. MOBILE COMPUTING: Mobile computing is a technology where you are able to transmit. video, voice, and data using wireless devices or a computer without connecting to a physical, fixed link. This involves mobile hardware, software, and communication. The advantage of using this technology is that one can remain connected even when one is moving and changing locations. Mobile computing involves a lot of connected wireless devices and enables people to connect to the Internet. Wireless communication provides data to all devices connected via mobile computing. There are several mobile computing devices available in the market for popular use as discussed below:

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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